Cookies So Fly!

Cookies So Fly!

All these cute little hacks for flying… mini colouring books, travel activities, and mini snack packs. Well, Colouring Cookies just became one of them. 😎

Pre-kid me would never have thought so much time, and effort could go into planning a flight with a little one. Sanitizing wipes? Check. Snack? Check. Activities? CHHHHHEEECCCKKK!!! Wait, that list looks a little too long. See below for a quick fix.

Sanitizing wipes? ✔
Snacktivity? ✔💥

What the H-E-double hockey sticks 🏒 is a snacktivity? It’s a cookie snack to fuel hunger AND imagination. There’s more: the ULTIMATE snacktivity is also a developmental tool for kiddos. Did you know that playing with your food develops a higher level of comfort with making decisions and trying new things? Also, those little edible ink markers are great for motor skills. But back to the most important part: it’s easy for parents. Simply OPEN. COLOUR. EAT. With a nifty little spot for markers that keeps them from rolling onto the airplane floor, your kids’ favourite snack just got a little more innovative. 

Best. Parenting. Hack. Ever.

Bring on the snacks and get some (ahem) “fly” cookies below.👇

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